Sunday, 27 August 2017

Content Type Http Binário Opção

Existem duas formas de aplicação de dados POST x-www-form-urlencoded e multipart form-data Eu entendo que a maioria dos navegadores só são capazes de carregar arquivos se multipart form-data é usado Existe alguma orientação adicional quando usar um dos Tipos de codificação em um contexto de API nenhum navegador envolvido Isso pode, por exemplo, ser baseado em. existência de caracteres não-ASCII. Existir em dados binários não codificados. a necessidade de transferir dados adicionais como nome de arquivo. Não encontrei basicamente nenhuma orientação formal na web sobre o uso Dos diferentes tipos de conteúdo até agora. A moral da história é, se você tiver dados binários não-alfanuméricos ou uma carga útil de tamanho significativo para transmitir, use dados de formulário multipart Caso contrário, use o aplicativo x - www-form-urlencoded. Os tipos MIME que você menciona são os dois cabeçalhos Content-Type para solicitações POST que os navegadores de agentes de usuário devem suportar O objetivo de ambos os tipos de solicitações é enviar uma lista de pares de valor de nome para o servidor Dependendo do tipo e Quantidade de dados que estão sendo transmitidos, um dos métodos será mais eficiente do que o outro Para entender por que, você tem que olhar para o que cada um está fazendo sob a aplicação covers. For x-www-form-urlencoded o corpo da mensagem enviada para O servidor é essencialmente uma seqüência de consulta gigante - os pares de valor de nome são separados pelo e comercial e os nomes são separados de valores pelo símbolo de igual Um exemplo disso seria. Os caracteres reservados e não alfanuméricos são substituídos por HH, um sinal de porcentagem e dois dígitos hexadecimais que representam o código ASCII do caractere. Isso significa que para cada byte não alfanumérico que existe em um de nossos valores, ele vai ter três bytes Para representá-lo Para grandes arquivos binários, triplicar a carga útil vai ser altamente inefficient. That s onde multipart form-dados vem com Com este método de transmitir pares nome de valor, cada par é representado como uma parte de uma mensagem MIME como descrito por Outras respostas As partes são separadas por um determinado limite de string escolhido especificamente para que esta cadeia de limite não ocorra em qualquer das cargas de valor. Cada parte tem seu próprio conjunto de cabeçalhos MIME como Content-Type e particularmente Content-Disposition que pode dar a cada parte sua Name A peça de valor de cada par de valor de nome é a carga útil de cada parte da mensagem MIME A especificação MIME nos dá mais opções ao representar a carga útil de valor - podemos escolher uma mais eficiente T codificação de dados binários para salvar a largura de banda, por exemplo, base 64 ou mesmo binário bruto. Por que não usar multipart form-dados o tempo todo Para curtos valores alfanuméricos como a maioria dos formulários da web, a sobrecarga de adicionar todos os cabeçalhos MIME vai superar significativamente qualquer Economias a partir de codificação binária mais eficiente. resposta 1 novembro 10 às 21 59.READ pelo menos o PRIMEIRO PARA HERE. I sei que este é 3 anos de atraso, mas resposta aceita Matt é incompleta e acabará por levá-lo em apuros A chave aqui é Que, se você optar por usar dados de formulário multipart o limite não deve aparecer nos dados de arquivo que o servidor eventualmente recebe. Este não é um problema para a aplicação x-www-form-urlencoded porque não há limite x-www-formulário - urlencoded também pode sempre lidar com dados binários, pelo simples expediente de transformar um byte arbitrário em três bytes 7BIT Inefficient, mas funciona e observe que o comentário sobre não ser capaz de enviar nomes de arquivos, bem como dados binários está incorreto, basta enviá-lo Como outro Chave valor. O problema com multipart formulário-dados é que o separador de fronteira não deve estar presente no arquivo de dados ver RFC2388 seção 5 2 também inclui uma desculpa bastante coxo para não ter um adequado MIME tipo agregado que evita este problema. Assim, À primeira vista, multipart form-data é de nenhum valor qualquer em qualquer arquivo upload, binário ou de outra forma Se você don t escolher o seu limite corretamente, então você eventualmente terá um problema, se você está enviando texto simples ou binário bruto - o servidor Irá encontrar um limite no lugar errado, e seu arquivo será truncado, ou o POST falhará. A chave é escolher uma codificação e um limite de modo que os caracteres de limite selecionados não podem aparecer na saída codificada Uma solução simples é usar Base64 não usa binário raw Em base64 3 bytes arbitrários são codificados em quatro caracteres de 7 bits, onde o conjunto de caracteres de saída é A-Za-z0-9, ou seja, alfanumérico, ou é um caso especial e só pode aparecer no Final da saída codificada, como Único ou um duplo Agora, escolha o seu limite como uma seqüência de caracteres ASCII de 7 bits que não pode aparecer na saída de base64 Muitas opções que você vê na rede falham neste teste - o MDN forma docs por exemplo, use blob como um limite ao enviar dados binários - Não é bom No entanto, algo como blob nunca aparecerá em base64 output. answered Apr 18 14 at 11 08.While uma consideração de multipart forma-dados é a garantia de que o limite não aparece nos dados isso é bastante simples de realizar, escolhendo um Limite que é suficientemente longo Por favor, não us base64 codificação para realizar este Um limite que é gerado aleatoriamente eo mesmo comprimento como um UUID deve ser suficiente Joshcodes Abril 30 14 at 22 01. EML, Isso não faz sentido a todos Obviamente, o limite É escolhido automaticamente pelo navegador do cliente eo cliente será inteligente o suficiente para não usar um limite que choca com o conteúdo de seus arquivos enviados É tão simples aa substring match index -1 Pacerier Dec 11 14 at 8 01. BeniBela, He s Provavelmente vai sugerir para usar - então Ainda geração aleatória com verificação de substring ainda é o caminho a percorrer e pode ser feito com uma linha enquanto verdadeira sugestão de EML s converter para base64 apenas para evitar sub-substrings correspondentes é simplesmente estranho, para não mencionar isso Vem com degradação de desempenho desnecessária E todo o problema para nada desde que o algoritmo de uma linha é igualmente simples e simples Base64 não é destinado a ser usado ab esta maneira, como corpo aceitar todos os octetos de 8 bits Pacerier Jul 27 15 at 10 51.This answer Não só não acrescenta nada à discussão, mas também dá conselhos errados Em primeiro lugar, sempre que transmitir dados aleatórios em partes separadas, é sempre possível que o limite escolhido estará presente na carga A única maneira de se certificar de que isso não acontece é examinar A carga útil inteira para cada limite que nós vimos acima com Completamente impraticável Nós apenas aceitamos a probabilidade infinitesimal de uma colisão e vimos acima com um limite razoável, como --- limite-UUID aqui-fronteira - - Em segundo lugar, sempre usando Base64 vai desperdiçar largura de banda e preencher buffers para nenhuma razão em todos os vagelis Maio 5 16 em 12 22.I don t pensar é limitado a POST em multipart ou x-www-form-urlencoded The Content-Type Header É ortogonal ao método POST você pode preencher o tipo MIME que combina com você Este é também o caso de webapps baseados em representação HTML típico por exemplo, json payload tornou-se muito popular para a transmissão de carga útil para ajax requests. Regarding Restful API sobre os tipos de conteúdo mais populares eu vim Em contato com o aplicativo xml e aplicação json. data-size XML muito detalhado, mas geralmente não é um problema ao usar a compressão e pensar que o caso de acesso de gravação, por exemplo, através de POST ou PUT é muito mais rara como leitura de acesso em muitos casos é 3 de todo o tráfego Raramente onde há casos em que eu tive que otimizar o write. existence de caracteres não-ascii você pode usar utf-8 como codificação em XML. existence de dados binários precisaria usar base64 encoding. filename dados que você pode encapsular esta Dentro do campo em XML. data-size mais compacto menos que XML, ainda texto, mas você pode comprimir. non-ascii chars json é utf-8.binary dados base64 também ver json-binário-question. filename dados encapsular como próprio campo - Seção dentro de dados json. binary como recurso próprio. Eu tentaria representar dados binários como recurso de recurso próprio Ele adiciona outra chamada, mas decouples coisas melhor Exemplo images. In mais tarde recursos que você poderia simplesmente inline o recurso binário como link. application x-www - Form-urlencoded é o padrão mime-tipo de seu pedido ver também eu usá-lo para webforms normais Para API eu uso aplicação xml json multipart form-dados é um sino em pensar de anexos dentro corpo resposta várias seções de dados são concatenados com um definido String de limite manuel aldana Oct 25 10 em 19 38. Concordo com muito que Manuel tem dito Na verdade, seus comentários referem-se a este url. A aplicação de tipo de conteúdo x-www-form-urlencoded é ineficiente para o envio de grandes quantidades de dados binários ou Texto que não contém ASCII Caracteres O tipo de conteúdo multipart form-data deve ser usado para enviar formulários que contêm arquivos, dados não-ASCII e dados binários. No entanto, para mim, iria descer para o suporte de framework de ferramenta. Quais ferramentas e frameworks você espera que seus usuários de API Para construir seus aplicativos com. Do eles têm estruturas ou componentes que podem usar que favor um método sobre o outro. Se você obter uma idéia clara de seus usuários, e como eles vão fazer uso de sua API, então isso irá ajudá-lo a decidir Se você fizer o upload de arquivos difícil para seus usuários de API, em seguida, eles vão se afastar, você vai gastar muito tempo em apoiá-los. Segundo, este seria o suporte de ferramenta que você tem para escrever sua API e como é fácil para Seu para acomodar um mecanismo de upload sobre o outro. Apenas uma pequena dica do meu lado para o upload de dados de imagem HTML5 canvas. Eu estou trabalhando em um projeto para uma gráfica e teve alguns problemas devido ao upload de imagens para o servidor que veio de um HTML5 elemento de tela que eu estava lutando para a le Ast uma hora e eu não obtê-lo para salvar a imagem corretamente no meu servidor. Uma vez que eu definir a opção contentType da minha chamada ajax jQuery para o aplicativo x-www-form-urlencoded tudo correu o caminho certo e os dados codificados em base64 foi Interpretado corretamente e salvo com sucesso como uma imagem. Pode ser que ajude a alguém.7 2 O Multipart Content-Type. In o caso de múltiplas partes de mensagens, em que um ou mais diferentes conjuntos de dados são combinados em um único corpo, um multipart Content - O campo do tipo deve aparecer no cabeçalho da entidade. O corpo deve então conter uma ou mais partes do corpo, cada uma precedida por um limite de encapsulamento e a última seguida por um limite de fechamento. Cada parte começa com um limite de encapsulamento e contém uma parte do corpo Consistindo de área de cabeçalho, uma linha em branco e uma área do corpo Assim, uma parte do corpo é semelhante a uma mensagem RFC 822 em sintaxe, mas diferente em significado. Uma parte do corpo não deve ser interpretada como sendo realmente uma mensagem RFC 822 Para começar , Campos de cabeçalho NO são ac Por conseguinte, é permitida uma parte do corpo que começa com uma linha em branco e é uma parte do corpo para a qual todos os valores predefinidos devem ser assumidos. Nesse caso, a ausência de um campo de cabeçalho Content-Type implica que a O encapsulamento é simples texto US-ASCII Os únicos campos de cabeçalho que definiram significado para partes do corpo são aqueles cujos nomes começam com Conteúdo - Todos os outros campos de cabeçalho geralmente devem ser ignorados em partes do corpo Embora eles geralmente devem ser mantidos no processamento de correio, Eles podem ser descartados por gateways, se necessário Esses outros campos são permitidos para aparecer em partes do corpo, mas não deve ser dependente X-campos podem ser criados para fins experimentais ou privados, com o reconhecimento de que as informações que contêm podem ser perdidas em alguns gateways . A distinção entre uma mensagem RFC 822 e uma parte do corpo é sutil, mas importante Um gateway entre a Internet e correio X 400, por exemplo, deve ser capaz de dizer a diferença entre uma parte do corpo que con A parte do corpo deve ter uma mensagem de tipo de conteúdo e seu corpo após a linha em branco deve ser a mensagem encapsulada, Com o seu próprio campo de cabeçalho de imagem Content-Type O uso de sintaxe semelhante facilita a conversão de mensagens para partes do corpo, e vice-versa, mas a distinção entre os dois deve ser entendida pelos implementadores Para o caso especial em que todas as partes são realmente mensagens, Um subtipo de digestão também é definido. Como afirmado anteriormente, cada parte do corpo é precedida por um limite de encapsulamento O limite de encapsulamento NÃO DEVE aparecer dentro de nenhuma das partes encapsuladas Assim, é crucial que o agente de composição possa escolher e especificar o limite único Que irá separar as partes. Todos os subtipos presentes e futuros do tipo multipart devem usar uma sintaxe idêntica Subtipos podem diferir em sua semântica e podem impor restrições adicionais Mas deve estar em conformidade com a sintaxe necessária para o tipo de multipart Este requisito garante que todos os agentes de usuário conformes, pelo menos, será capaz de reconhecer e separar as partes de qualquer entidade multipart, mesmo de um subtipo não reconhecido. Como declarado na definição de O campo Content-Transfer-Encoding, nenhuma codificação diferente de 7bit, 8bit ou binário é permitida para entidades de tipo multipart Os delimitadores de múltiplas partes e campos de cabeçalho são sempre ASCII de 7 bits em qualquer caso e os dados dentro das partes do corpo podem ser codificados Em uma base part-by-part, com Content-Transfer-Encoding campos para cada parte do corpo adequado. Mail gateways, relés e outros agentes de tratamento de correio são comumente conhecidos para alterar o cabeçalho de nível superior de uma mensagem RFC 822 Em particular, Eles freqüentemente adicionam, removem ou reordenam os campos de cabeçalho. Tais alterações são explicitamente proibidas para os cabeçalhos de parte do corpo incorporados nos corpos de mensagens de tipo multipart. Todos os subtipos de multipart compartilham uma sintaxe comum, definida em Esta seção Um exemplo simples de uma mensagem multipart também aparece nesta seção Um exemplo de uma mensagem multipart mais complexa é dado no Apêndice C. O campo Content-Type para entidades multipart requer um parâmetro, boundary, que é usado para especificar o limite de encapsulamento O limite de encapsulamento é definido como uma linha composta inteiramente de dois caracteres de hífen -, código decimal 45 seguido pelo valor do parâmetro de limite do campo de cabeçalho de Content-Type. NOTA Os hifens são para compatibilidade áspera com o método anterior RFC 934 de encapsulamento de mensagem, No entanto, deve ser observado que as mensagens de multipart não são totalmente compatíveis com encapsulamentos RFC 934 em particular, eles não obedecem às convenções de cotação RFC 934 para linhas incorporadas que começam com hífens Este mecanismo foi escolhido Sobre o mecanismo RFC 934 porque este último faz com que linhas cresçam com cada nível de citação A combinação de th É o crescimento com o fato de que as implementações SMTP, por vezes, enrolar longas linhas feitas a RFC 934 mecanismo inadequado para uso no caso de profundamente-aninhadas multipart estruturação é sempre desejada. Assim, um típico multipart Content-Type cabeçalho campo pode ser parecido com isto Isso indica que A entidade consiste em várias partes, cada uma delas com uma estrutura que é sintaticamente idêntica a uma mensagem RFC 822, exceto que a área de cabeçalho pode estar completamente vazia e que as partes são precedidas cada vez pela linha Observe que o limite de encapsulamento deve ocorrer em O início de uma linha, ou seja, seguindo um CRLF, e que o CRLF inicial é considerado como sendo parte do limite de encapsulamento em vez de parte da parte anterior O limite deve ser imediatamente seguido por outro CRLF e os campos de cabeçalho para a próxima parte , Ou por dois CRLFs, caso em que não há campos de cabeçalho para a próxima parte e, portanto, é suposto ser de tipo Content-Type plain. NOTE O CRLF precedendo o Encapsulamento linha é considerada parte do limite de modo que é possível ter uma parte que não termina com uma ruptura de linha CRLF Partes do corpo que devem ser considerados para terminar com quebras de linha, portanto, deve ter dois CRLFs precedendo a linha de encapsulamento, o O primeiro dos quais faz parte da parte anterior do corpo e o segundo é parte do limite de encapsulação. O requisito de que o limite de encapsulação começa com um CRLF implica que o corpo de uma entidade multipart deve ele próprio começar com um CRLF antes do primeiro Linha de encapsulamento - isto é, se a área de preâmbulo não é usada, os cabeçalhos de entidade devem ser seguidos por DUAS CRLFs É de fato como tais entidades devem ser compostas Um programa de leitura de correio tolerante, no entanto, pode interpretar um corpo de tipo multipart que começa Com uma linha de encapsulamento não iniciada por um CRLF como sendo também um limite de encapsulamento, mas um programa de envio de correio compatível não deve gerar tais entidades. Os limites de encapsulamento não devem aparecer wit Hin as encapsulações, e não deve ser mais do que 70 caracteres, não contando os dois hifens principais. O limite de encapsulamento após a última parte do corpo é um delimitador distinto que indica que nenhuma outra parte do corpo seguirá Tal delimitador é idêntico aos delimitadores anteriores , Com a adição de mais dois hífenes no final da linha Parece haver espaço para informações adicionais antes do primeiro limite de encapsulamento e seguindo o limite final Essas áreas geralmente devem ser deixadas em branco e implementações devem ignorar qualquer coisa que apareça antes do Primeiro limite ou após o último. NOTA Essas áreas de preâmbulo e epílogo não são usadas por causa da falta de digitação adequada dessas partes e a falta de semântica clara para manipulação essas áreas em gateways, particularmente X 400 gateways. NOTE Porque limites encapsulamento deve Não aparecem nas partes do corpo que está sendo encapsulado, um agente do usuário deve ter cuidado para escolher um limite único O bounda Ry no exemplo acima poderia ter sido o resultado de um algoritmo projetado para produzir limites com uma probabilidade muito baixa de já existente nos dados a serem encapsulados sem ter que pré-digitalizar os dados Algoritmos alternativos podem resultar em limites mais legíveis para um destinatário com um Mas exigiria mais atenção à possibilidade de que o limite possa aparecer na parte encapsulada O limite mais simples possível é algo como ---, com um limite de fechamento de. Como um exemplo muito simples, a seguinte mensagem multipart tem dois A utilização de um Content-Type de multipart numa parte do corpo dentro de outra entidade multipart é explicitamente permitida. Nesses casos, por razões óbvias, o cuidado deve ser Tomadas para garantir que cada entidade multipart aninhada deve usar um delimitador de limite diferente Consulte o Apêndice C para um exemplo de entidades multipart aninhadas. O uso do multipart Conte O nt-Type com apenas uma única parte do corpo pode ser útil em determinados contextos e é explicitamente permitido. O único parâmetro obrigatório para o Content Type multipart é o parâmetro boundary, que consiste de 1 a 70 caracteres a partir de um conjunto de caracteres conhecidos por Ser muito robusto através de gateways de e-mail, e não terminando com espaço em branco Se um limite parece terminar com espaço em branco, o espaço em branco deve ser presumido ter sido adicionado por um gateway e deve ser excluído É formalmente especificado pelo seguinte BNF Geral , O corpo de uma entidade de várias partes pode ser especificado como segue NOTA Destaque notoriamente do tipo de multipart é uma noção de partes de corpo estruturadas, relacionadas Em geral, parece prematuro para tentar padronizar estrutura de interpart ainda Recomenda-se que aqueles que desejam fornecer um Mais estruturado ou integrado multipart messaging facilidade deve definir um subtipo de multipart que é sintaticamente idêntico, mas que sempre espera a inclusão de uma parte distinta que ca N ser usado para especificar a estrutura e integração das outras partes, provavelmente referindo-se a eles pelo seu campo Content-ID Se essa abordagem for usada, outras implementações não reconhecerá o novo subtipo, mas o tratará como o subtipo primário multipart mixed e Será assim capaz de mostrar ao usuário as peças que são reconhecidas.7 2 2 O subtipo Multipart mista primária. O subtipo primário para multipart, misto, é destinado para uso quando as partes do corpo são independentes e pretende ser exibido em série Qualquer subtipo de multipart Que uma implementação não reconhece deve ser tratada como sendo de subtipo misto.7 2 3 O subtipo Multipart alternativo. O tipo alternativo multipart é sintaticamente idêntico a multipart mista, mas a semântica são diferentes Em particular, cada uma das partes é uma versão alternativa Da mesma informação Os agentes do usuário devem reconhecer que o conteúdo das várias partes são intercambiáveis ​​O agente do usuário deve escolher o melhor tipo baseado em O ambiente e preferências do usuário, ou oferecer ao usuário as alternativas disponíveis. Em geral, escolher o melhor tipo significa exibir apenas a parte ÚLTIMA que pode ser exibida. Isso pode ser usado, por exemplo, para enviar e-mails em um formato de texto extravagante, De forma que ele pode ser facilmente exibido em qualquer lugar Neste exemplo, os usuários cujo sistema de correio compreendeu o formato de texto x-whatever veria apenas a versão extravagante, enquanto outros usuários veriam apenas o richtext ou versão de texto sem formatação, dependendo das capacidades de seu sistema . Em geral, os agentes de usuário que compõem entidades alternativas de múltiplas partes devem colocar as partes do corpo em ordem crescente de preferência, isto é, com o formato preferido para o texto de fantasia, o agente de usuário de envio deve colocar o formato mais simples primeiro e o formato mais rico último Recebimento Os agentes de usuário devem escolher e exibir o último formato que eles são capazes de exibir No caso em que uma das alternativas é em si de tipo multipart e contém sub-par não reconhecido Ts, o agente do usuário pode escolher mostrar essa alternativa, uma alternativa anterior ou ambas. NOTA De uma perspectiva de implementador, pode parecer mais sensato reverter esta ordenação, e ter a alternativa mais simples última No entanto, colocando a alternativa mais simples em primeiro lugar É a opção mais amigável possível quando mutlipart entidades alternativas são visualizadas utilizando um leitor de correio não compatível com MIME Embora esta abordagem impõe alguma carga sobre leitores de correio compatível, a interoperabilidade com leitores de correio mais velhos foi considerado mais importante neste caso. O caso de alguns agentes de usuários, se eles puderem reconhecer mais de um dos formatos, preferirão oferecer ao usuário a escolha do formato a ser visualizado. Isso faz sentido, por exemplo, se o correio incluir uma versão bem formatada da imagem e uma Versão de texto editada com facilidade O que é mais crítico, no entanto, é que o usuário não seja automaticamente mostrado várias versões dos mesmos dados Ou o usuário deve ser mostrado o último reconhecido ver Ou deveriam ser explicitamente escolhidos.7 2 4 O subtipo Multipart digest. Este documento define um subtipo digest do multipart Content-Type Este tipo é sintaticamente idêntico a multipart mixed, mas a semântica é diferente Em particular, em um digest, O padrão Content-Type valor para uma parte do corpo é alterado de texto simples para a mensagem rfc822 Isso é feito para permitir um formato digest mais legível que é amplamente compatível, exceto para a convenção de cotação com RFC 934. Um digest neste formato poderia, então, Este documento define um subtipo paralelo do multipart Content-Type Este tipo é sintaticamente idêntico a multipart mixed, mas a semântica é diferente Em particular, em uma entidade paralela, todas as partes são destinadas a ser apresentado em paralelo , Ou seja, simultaneamente, no hardware e software que são capazes de fazê-lo Composing agentes devem estar cientes de que muitos leitores de e-mail não terá essa capacidade e irá mostrar as peças em série em qualquer e Vent. Adicione um tipo de conteúdo existente a uma lista ou a uma biblioteca. 3. Mais Tipos de Less. Content permitem às organizações organizar, gerenciar e manipular conteúdo de forma mais eficaz em um conjunto de sites Por Definindo tipos de conteúdo para tipos específicos de documentos ou produtos de informação, uma organização pode garantir que cada um desses grupos de conteúdo seja gerenciado de forma mais eficiente Você pode configurar uma lista ou biblioteca para conter itens de vários tipos de itens ou tipos de documentos, A lista ou biblioteca. Neste artigo. Como os tipos de conteúdo funcionam em listas e bibliotecas. Se você tiver uma lista ou biblioteca configurada para permitir vários tipos de conteúdo, você pode adicionar tipos de conteúdo a essa lista ou biblioteca do grupo de sites Tipos de conteúdo que estão disponíveis para o seu site. Quando você adiciona um tipo de conteúdo a uma lista ou biblioteca, torna possível que essa lista ou biblioteca contenha itens desse tipo. Na lista ou na biblioteca permite que os usuários criem novos itens desse tipo Uma das principais vantagens dos tipos de conteúdo para listas e bibliotecas é que eles permitem que uma única lista ou biblioteca contenha vários tipos de documento ou item, cada um dos quais pode Têm metadados, políticas ou comportamentos exclusivos. Como a herança funciona para tipos de conteúdo de lista. Quando uma instância de um tipo de conteúdo de site é adicionada a uma lista ou biblioteca, ela é uma criança do tipo de conteúdo do site a partir do qual foi criada. Tipo herda todos os atributos de seu tipo de conteúdo do site pai, como seu modelo de documento, configuração de somente leitura, fluxos de trabalho e colunas Um tipo de conteúdo de lista pode ser personalizado para a lista específica ou biblioteca à qual ele foi adicionado Essas personalizações são Não aplicado ao tipo de conteúdo do site pai Se o tipo de conteúdo do site pai para um tipo de conteúdo de lista for atualizado, o tipo de conteúdo da lista filho pode herdar essas alterações se a pessoa que mantém o tipo de conteúdo do site escolher ap Se os atributos que o tipo de conteúdo da lista filho compartilham com o tipo de conteúdo do site pai foram personalizados para o tipo de conteúdo da lista, essas personalizações podem ser sobrescritas quando o tipo de conteúdo da lista herda as alterações da Tipo de conteúdo do site pai Se o tipo de conteúdo da lista tiver sido personalizado com atributos adicionais que o tipo de conteúdo pai não tenha, por exemplo, colunas extras, essas personalizações não serão substituídas quando o tipo de conteúdo da lista filho herda as alterações do tipo de conteúdo do site pai. Um tipo de conteúdo para uma lista ou biblioteca. Antes de tipos de conteúdo podem ser adicionados a uma lista ou biblioteca, primeiro a lista ou biblioteca deve ser configurada para permitir vários tipos de conteúdo Para obter mais informações sobre como ativar o suporte para vários tipos de conteúdo em uma lista ou biblioteca , Consulte Ativar o suporte a vários tipos de conteúdo em uma biblioteca Para adicionar tipos de conteúdo a uma lista ou biblioteca, você deve ter pelo menos o nível de permissão Design para esse Lista ou biblioteca. Se a lista ou biblioteca ainda não estiver aberta, clique no nome no Quick Launch. Se o nome da sua lista ou biblioteca não aparecer, clique em Ver todo o conteúdo do site e clique no nome da sua lista ou biblioteca. No menu Configurações clique em Configurações de lista ou clique nas configurações para o tipo de biblioteca que você está abrindo. Por exemplo, em uma biblioteca de documentos, clique em Configurações de biblioteca de documentos. Em Tipos de conteúdo clique em Adicionar de tipos de conteúdo de site existentes. Nota Se a lista ou Biblioteca não está configurada para permitir vários tipos de conteúdo, a seção Tipos de conteúdo não aparece na página Personalizar para a lista ou biblioteca. Na seção Selecionar tipos de conteúdo, na lista Selecionar tipos de conteúdo do site da lista, clique na seta para selecionar a Grupo de tipos de conteúdo do site do qual você deseja selecionar. Na lista Tipos de conteúdo do site disponíveis, clique no tipo de conteúdo desejado e, em seguida, clique em Adicionar para mover o tipo de conteúdo selecionado para a lista Tipos de conteúdo para adicionar. Para adicionar conteúdo adicional Tipos, repea T etapas 4 e 5.Quando você terminar de selecionar todos os tipos de conteúdo que você deseja adicionar, clique em OK. Altere a ordem de botão Novo ou tipo de conteúdo padrão. Você pode especificar a ordem em que tipos de conteúdo são exibidos no botão Novo para Uma lista ou biblioteca Por padrão, o primeiro tipo de conteúdo que é exibido no botão Novo se torna o tipo de conteúdo padrão para a lista ou biblioteca Para alterar o tipo de conteúdo padrão para a lista ou biblioteca, altere o tipo de conteúdo exibido primeiro no Botão Novo Você também pode especificar se deseja que os tipos de conteúdo que foram adicionados a uma lista ou biblioteca sejam visíveis no botão Novo. Se a lista ou a biblioteca para a qual você deseja alterar um tipo de conteúdo ainda não estiver aberta, clique no nome Em Listas ou Documentos no Início Rápido. No menu Configurações, siga um destes procedimentos: Se estiver trabalhando em uma lista, clique em Configurações de lista. Se estiver trabalhando em uma biblioteca de documentos, clique em Configurações da biblioteca de documentos. Nova ordem de botão E tipo de conteúdo padrão. Observação Se a lista ou a biblioteca não estiver configurada para permitir vários tipos de conteúdo, a seção Tipos de conteúdo não aparecerá na página Personalizar para a lista ou biblioteca. Na seção Ordem de tipo de conteúdo, execute um dos seguintes procedimentos:.Para remover um tipo de conteúdo do botão Novo da lista ou da biblioteca, desmarque a caixa de seleção Visível. Esta caixa de seleção está selecionada por padrão. Para alterar a ordem na qual um tipo de conteúdo é exibido no botão Novo, clique na seta ao lado daquela Tipo de conteúdo na coluna Posição da parte superior e, em seguida, selecione o número da ordem desejada. Tipo de conteúdo binário option. You selecionar um ativo e, em seguida, prever se você acha que o recurso vai para cima ou para baixo no preço Você então selecione o valor que você Quer arriscar eo prazo com o qual você quer trabalhar dentro Tipo de conteúdo opção binária Como Ganhar Dinheiro Em Modelagem 3d 9 de agosto de 2016 Há um número de tipos de opções binárias e este artigo desenvolver um sistema de negociação que aumenta a porcentagem de Wi Uma vez que estes fatores básicos são todos contabilizados, você vai clicar no botão que executa o comércio Eles foram legalizados nos Estados Unidos em 2008 e rapidamente se tornaram uma das maneiras mais fáceis e mais rápidas para o comércio Isso pode soar ameaçador , Mas eles realmente são muito fáceis de entender. Em vez disso, você está tentando prever o movimento do ativo subjacente só Pense nisso como uma previsão ou uma aposta em que forma um determinado ativo vai se mover e menos de um investimento a longo prazo Tipo de conteúdo binário opção Australiano Stock Market Software Opções Binárias Broker, BigOption, é líder mundial e mais inovadoras opções de plataforma de negociação, que serve comerciantes em regiões globais Junte-se agora Jun 6, 2013 Ir para o conteúdo Uma opção binária é um tipo de contrato de opções Em que o pagamento dependerá Normalmente, uma plataforma de negociação baseada em Internet de opções binárias perguntará a Para determinar se uma entidade é um mercado contratado designado, você pode verificar o site CFTC em Th E excitante é que você não está limitado a qualquer lugar 9 de agosto de 2016 Há uma série de tipos de opções binárias e este artigo desenvolver um sistema de negociação que aumenta a porcentagem de ganhar comércios para uma vez que você descobrir isso, o broker that you are working with will display the percentage amount that you will have returned to you prior to officially committing your money to the trade. 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The Accept request-header field can be used to specify certain media types which are acceptable for the response Accept headers can be used to indicate that the request is specifically limited to a small set of desired types, as in the case of a request for an in-line image. The asterisk character is used to group media types into ranges, with indicating all media types and type indicating all subtypes of that type The media-range MAY include media type parameters that are applicable to that range. Each media-range MAY be followed by one or more accept-params, beginning with the q parameter for indicating a relative quality factor The first q parameter if any separates the media-range parameter s from the accept-params Quality factors allow the user or user agent to indicate the relative degree of preference for that media-range, using the qvalue scale from 0 to 1 section 3 9 The default value is q 1.SHOULD be interpreted as I prefer audio basic, but send me any audio type if it is the best available after an 80 mark-down in quality. If no Accept header field is present, then it is assumed that the client accepts all media types If an Accept header field i s present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the combined Accept field value, then the server SHOULD send a 406 not acceptable response. A more elaborate example is. Verbally, this would be interpreted as text html and text x-c are the preferred media types, but if they do not exist, then send the text x-dvi entity, and if that does not exist, send the text plain entity. Media ranges can be overridden by more specific media ranges or specific media types If more than one media range applies to a given type, the most specific reference has precedence For example. have the following precedence. The media type quality factor associated with a given type is determined by finding the media range with the highest precedence which matches that type For example. would cause the following values to be associated.14 2 Accept-Charset. The Accept-Charset request-header field can be used to indicate what character sets are acceptable for the response This field allo ws clients capable of understanding more comprehensive or special - purpose character sets to signal that capability to a server which is capable of representing documents in those character sets. Character set values are described in section 3 4 Each charset MAY be given an associated quality value which represents the user s preference for that charset The default value is q 1 An example is. The special value , if present in the Accept-Charset field, matches every character set including ISO-8859-1 which is not mentioned elsewhere in the Accept-Charset field If no is present in an Accept-Charset field, then all character sets not explicitly mentioned get a quality value of 0, except for ISO-8859-1, which gets a quality value of 1 if not explicitly mentioned. If no Accept-Charset header is present, the default is that any character set is acceptable If an Accept-Charset header is present, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Charset header, then the server SHOULD send an error response with the 406 not acceptable status code, though the sending of an unacceptable response is also allowed.14 3 Accept-Encoding. The Accept-Encoding request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the content-codings section 3 5 that are acceptable in the response. Examples of its use are. A server tests whether a content-coding is acceptable, according to an Accept-Encoding field, using these rules. If an Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, and if the server cannot send a response which is acceptable according to the Accept-Encoding header, then the server SHOULD send an error response with the 406 Not Acceptable status code. If no Accept-Encoding field is present in a request, the server MAY assume that the client will accept any content coding In this case, if identity is one of the available content-codings, then the server SHOULD use the identity content-coding, unless it has additional information that a different content - coding is meaningful to the client.14 4 Accept-Language. The Accept-Language request-header field is similar to Accept, but restricts the set of natural languages that are preferred as a response to the request Language tags are defined in section 3 10.Each language-range MAY be given an associated quality value which represents an estimate of the user s preference for the languages specified by that range The quality value defaults to q 1 For example. would mean I prefer Danish, but will accept British English and other types of English A language-range matches a language-tag if it exactly equals the tag, or if it exactly equals a prefix of the tag such that the first tag character following the prefix is - The special range , if present in the Accept-Language field, matches every tag not matched by any other range present in the Accept-Language field. The language quality factor assigned to a language-tag by the Accept-Language field is the quality value of the longest language - range i n the field that matches the language-tag If no language - range in the field matches the tag, the language quality factor assigned is 0 If no Accept-Language header is present in the request, the server. SHOULD assume that all languages are equally acceptable If an Accept-Language header is present, then all languages which are assigned a quality factor greater than 0 are acceptable. It might be contrary to the privacy expectations of the user to send an Accept-Language header with the complete linguistic preferences of the user in every request For a discussion of this issue, see section 15 1 4.As intelligibility is highly dependent on the individual user, it is recommended that client applications make the choice of linguistic preference available to the user If the choice is not made available, then the Accept-Language header field MUST NOT be given in the request.14 5 Accept-Ranges.14 8 Authorization.14 9 Cache-Control. The Cache-Control general-header field is used to specify directi ves that MUST be obeyed by all caching mechanisms along the request response chain The directives specify behavior intended to prevent caches from adversely interfering with the request or response These directives typically override the default caching algorithms Cache directives are unidirectional in that the presence of a directive in a request does not imply that the same directive is to be given in the response. Cache directives MUST be passed through by a proxy or gateway application, regardless of their significance to that application, since the directives might be applicable to all recipients along the request response chain It is not possible to specify a cache - directive for a specific cache. When a directive appears without any 1 field-name parameter, the directive applies to the entire request or response When such a directive appears with a 1 field-name parameter, it applies only to the named field or fields, and not to the rest of the request or response This mechanism sup ports extensibility implementations of future versions of the protocol might apply these directives to header fields not defined in. The cache-control directives can be broken down into these general categories.14 9 1 What is Cacheable. By default, a response is cacheable if the requirements of the request method, request header fields, and the response status indicate that it is cacheable Section 13 4 summarizes these defaults for cacheability The following Cache-Control response directives allow an origin server to override the default cacheability of a response. public Indicates that the response MAY be cached by any cache, even if it would normally be non-cacheable or cacheable only within a non - shared cache See also Authorization, section 14 8 for additional details private Indicates that all or part of the response message is intended for a single user and MUST NOT be cached by a shared cache This allows an origin server to state that the specified parts of the response are intende d for only one user and are not a valid response for requests by other users A private non-shared cache MAY cache the response. Note This usage of the word private only controls where the response may be cached, and cannot ensure the privacy of the message content. no-cache If the no-cache directive does not specify a field-name, then a cache MUST NOT use the response to satisfy a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server This allows an origin server to prevent caching even by caches that have been configured to return stale responses to client requests If the no-cache directive does specify one or more field-names, then a cache MAY use the response to satisfy a subsequent request, subject to any other restrictions on caching However, the specified field-name s MUST NOT be sent in the response to a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server This allows an origin server to prevent the re-use of certain header fields in a respo nse, while still allowing caching of the rest of the response. Note Most caches will not recognize or obey this directive.14 9 2 What May be Stored by Caches. no-store The purpose of the no-store directive is to prevent the inadvertent release or retention of sensitive information for example, on backup tapes The no-store directive applies to the entire message, and MAY be sent either in a response or in a request If sent in a request, a cache MUST NOT store any part of either this request or any response to it If sent in a response, a cache MUST NOT store any part of either this response or the request that elicited it This directive applies to both non - shared and shared caches MUST NOT store in this context means that the cache MUST NOT intentionally store the information in non-volatile storage, and MUST make a best-effort attempt to remove the information from volatile storage as promptly as possible after forwarding it Even when this directive is associated with a response, users m ight explicitly store such a response outside of the caching system e g with a Save As dialog History buffers MAY store such responses as part of their normal operation The purpose of this directive is to meet the stated requirements of certain users and service authors who are concerned about accidental releases of information via unanticipated accesses to cache data structures While the use of this directive might improve privacy in some cases, we caution that it is NOT in any way a reliable or sufficient mechanism for ensuring privacy In particular, malicious or compromised caches might not recognize or obey this directive, and communications networks might be vulnerable to eavesdropping.14 9 3 Modifications of the Basic Expiration Mechanism. The expiration time of an entity MAY be specified by the origin server using the Expires header see section 14 21 Alternatively, it MAY be specified using the max-age directive in a response When the max-age cache-control directive is present in a cached response, the response is stale if its current age is greater than the age value given in seconds at the time of a new request for that resource The max-age directive on a response implies that the response is cacheable i e public unless some other, more restrictive cache directive is also present. If a response includes both an Expires header and a max-age directive, the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, even if the Expires header is more restrictive This rule allows an origin server to provide, for a given response, a longer expiration time to an or later cache than to an cache This might be useful if certain caches improperly calculate ages or expiration times, perhaps due to desynchronized clocks. Many cache implementations will treat an Expires value that is less than or equal to the response Date value as being equivalent to the Cache-Control response directive no-cache If an cache receives such a response, and the response does not include a Cache-Control h eader field, it SHOULD consider the response to be non-cacheable in order to retain compatibility with servers. Note An origin server might wish to use a relatively new cache control feature, such as the private directive, on a network including older caches that do not understand that feature The origin server will need to combine the new feature with an Expires field whose value is less than or equal to the Date value This will prevent older caches from improperly caching the response. s-maxage If a response includes an s-maxage directive, then for a shared cache but not for a private cache , the maximum age specified by this directive overrides the maximum age specified by either the max-age directive or the Expires header The s-maxage directive also implies the semantics of the proxy-revalidate directive see section 14 9 4 , i e that the shared cache must not use the entry after it becomes stale to respond to a subsequent request without first revalidating it with the origin server T he s - maxage directive is always ignored by a private cache. Note that most older caches, not compliant with this specification, do not implement any cache-control directives An origin server wishing to use a cache-control directive that restricts, but does not prevent, caching by an cache MAY exploit the requirement that the max-age directive overrides the Expires header, and the fact that caches do not observe the max-age directive. Other directives allow a user agent to modify the basic expiration mechanism These directives MAY be specified on a request. max-age Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response whose age is no greater than the specified time in seconds Unless max - stale directive is also included, the client is not willing to accept a stale response min-fresh Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response whose freshness lifetime is no less than its current age plus the specified time in seconds That is, the client wants a response that will still be fresh for at least the specified number of seconds max-stale Indicates that the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded its expiration time If max-stale is assigned a value, then the client is willing to accept a response that has exceeded its expiration time by no more than the specified number of seconds If no value is assigned to max-stale, then the client is willing to accept a stale response of any age. If a cache returns a stale response, either because of a max-stale directive on a request, or because the cache is configured to override the expiration time of a response, the cache MUST attach a Warning header to the stale response, using Warning 110 Response is stale. A cache MAY be configured to return stale responses without validation, but only if this does not conflict with any MUST - level requirements concerning cache validation e g a must-revalidate cache-control directive. If both the new request and the cached entry include max-age directives, then the les ser of the two values is used for determining the freshness of the cached entry for that request.14 9 4 Cache Revalidation and Reload Controls. Sometimes a user agent might want or need to insist that a cache revalidate its cache entry with the origin server and not just with the next cache along the path to the origin server , or to reload its cache entry from the origin server End-to-end revalidation might be necessary if either the cache or the origin server has overestimated the expiration time of the cached response End-to-end reload may be necessary if the cache entry has become corrupted for some reason. End-to-end revalidation may be requested either when the client does not have its own local cached copy, in which case we call it unspecified end-to-end revalidation , or when the client does have a local cached copy, in which case we call it specific end-to-end revalidation. The client can specify these three kinds of action using Cache - Control request directives. End-to-end reloa d The request includes a no-cache cache-control directive or, for compatibility with clients, Pragma no-cache Field names MUST NOT be included with the no-cache directive in a request The server MUST NOT use a cached copy when responding to such a request Specific end-to-end revalidation The request includes a max-age 0 cache-control directive, which forces each cache along the path to the origin server to revalidate its own entry, if any, with the next cache or server The initial request includes a cache-validating conditional with the client s current validator Unspecified end-to-end revalidation The request includes max-age 0 cache-control directive, which forces each cache along the path to the origin server to revalidate its own entry, if any, with the next cache or server The initial request does not include a cache-validating conditional the first cache along the path if any that holds a cache entry for this resource includes a cache-validating conditional with its current valid ator max-age When an intermediate cache is forced, by means of a max-age 0 directive, to revalidate its own cache entry, and the client has supplied its own validator in the request, the supplied validator might differ from the validator currently stored with the cache entry In this case, the cache MAY use either validator in making its own request without affecting semantic transparency However, the choice of validator might affect performance The best approach is for the intermediate cache to use its own validator when making its request If the server replies with 304 Not Modified , then the cache can return its now validated copy to the client with a 200 OK response If the server replies with a new entity and cache validator, however, the intermediate cache can compare the returned validator with the one provided in the client s request, using the strong comparison function If the client s validator is equal to the origin server s, then the intermediate cache simply returns 304 Not Modified Otherwise, it returns the new entity with a 200 OK response If a request includes the no-cache directive, it SHOULD NOT include min-fresh, max-stale, or max-age only-if-cached In some cases, such as times of extremely poor network connectivity, a client may want a cache to return only those responses that it currently has stored, and not to reload or revalidate with the origin server To do this, the client may include the only-if-cached directive in a request If it receives this directive, a cache SHOULD either respond using a cached entry that is consistent with the other constraints of the request, or respond with a 504 Gateway Timeout status However, if a group of caches is being operated as a unified system with good internal connectivity, such a request MAY be forwarded within that group of caches must-revalidate Because a cache MAY be configured to ignore a server s specified expiration time, and because a client request MAY include a max - stale directive which has a sim ilar effect , the protocol also includes a mechanism for the origin server to require revalidation of a cache entry on any subsequent use When the must-revalidate directive is present in a response received by a cache, that cache MUST NOT use the entry after it becomes stale to respond to a subsequent request without first revalidating it with the origin server I e the cache MUST do an end-to-end revalidation every time, if, based solely on the origin server s Expires or max-age value, the cached response is stale The must-revalidate directive is necessary to support reliable operation for certain protocol features In all circumstances an cache MUST obey the must-revalidate directive in particular, if the cache cannot reach the origin server for any reason, it MUST generate a 504 Gateway Timeout response Servers SHOULD send the must-revalidate directive if and only if failure to revalidate a request on the entity could result in incorrect operation, such as a silently unexecuted financ ial transaction Recipients MUST NOT take any automated action that violates this directive, and MUST NOT automatically provide an unvalidated copy of the entity if revalidation fails Although this is not recommended, user agents operating under severe connectivity constraints MAY violate this directive but, if so, MUST explicitly warn the user that an unvalidated response has been provided The warning MUST be provided on each unvalidated access, and SHOULD require explicit user confirmation proxy-revalidate The proxy-revalidate directive has the same meaning as the must - revalidate directive, except that it does not apply to non-shared user agent caches It can be used on a response to an authenticated request to permit the user s cache to store and later return the response without needing to revalidate it since it has already been authenticated once by that user , while still requiring proxies that service many users to revalidate each time in order to make sure that each user has bee n authenticated Note that such authenticated responses also need the public cache control directive in order to allow them to be cached at all.14 9 5 No-Transform Directive. no-transform Implementors of intermediate caches proxies have found it useful to convert the media type of certain entity bodies A non - transparent proxy might, for example, convert between image formats in order to save cache space or to reduce the amount of traffic on a slow link Serious operational problems occur, however, when these transformations are applied to entity bodies intended for certain kinds of applications For example, applications for medical imaging, scientific data analysis and those using end-to-end authentication, all depend on receiving an entity body that is bit for bit identical to the original entity-body Therefore, if a message includes the no-transform directive, an intermediate cache or proxy MUST NOT change those headers that are listed in section 13 5 2 as being subject to the no-trans form directive This implies that the cache or proxy MUST NOT change any aspect of the entity-body that is specified by these headers, including the value of the entity-body itself.14 9 6 Cache Control Extensions. The Cache-Control header field can be extended through the use of one or more cache-extension tokens, each with an optional assigned value Informational extensions those which do not require a change in cache behavior MAY be added without changing the semantics of other directives Behavioral extensions are designed to work by acting as modifiers to the existing base of cache directives Both the new directive and the standard directive are supplied, such that applications which do not understand the new directive will default to the behavior specified by the standard directive, and those that understand the new directive will recognize it as modifying the requirements associated with the standard directive In this way, extensions to the cache-control directives can be made witho ut requiring changes to the base protocol. This extension mechanism depends on an cache obeying all of the cache-control directives defined for its native obeying certain extensions, and ignoring all directives that it does not understand. For example, consider a hypothetical new response directive called community which acts as a modifier to the private directive We define this new directive to mean that, in addition to any non-shared cache, any cache which is shared only by members of the community named within its value may cache the response An origin server wishing to allow the UCI community to use an otherwise private response in their shared cache s could do so by including. A cache seeing this header field will act correctly even if the cache does not understand the community cache-extension, since it will also see and understand the private directive and thus default to the safe behavior. Unrecognized cache-directives MUST be ignored it is assumed that any cache-directive likely t o be unrecognized by an cache will be combined with standard directives or the response s default cacheability such that the cache behavior will remain minimally correct even if the cache does not understand the extension s.14 10 Connection. The Connection general-header field allows the sender to specify options that are desired for that particular connection and MUST NOT be communicated by proxies over further connections. The Connection header has the following grammar. proxies MUST parse the Connection header field before a message is forwarded and, for each connection-token in this field, remove any header field s from the message with the same name as the connection-token Connection options are signaled by the presence of a connection-token in the Connection header field, not by any corresponding additional header field s , since the additional header field may not be sent if there are no parameters associated with that connection option. Message headers listed in the Connection header MUST NOT include end-to-end headers, such as Cache-Control. defines the close connection option for the sender to signal that the connection will be closed after completion of the response For example. in either the request or the response header fields indicates that the connection SHOULD NOT be considered persistent section 8 1 after the current request response is complete. applications that do not support persistent connections MUST include the close connection option in every message. A system receiving an or lower-version message that includes a Connection header MUST, for each connection-token in this field, remove and ignore any header field s from the message with the same name as the connection-token This protects against mistaken forwarding of such header fields by proxies See section 19 6 2.14 11 Content-Encoding. The Content-Encoding entity-header field is used as a modifier to the media-type When present, its value indicates what additional content codings have been applied to the entity-body, and thus what decoding mechanisms must be applied in order to obtain the media-type referenced by the Content-Type header field Content-Encoding is primarily used to allow a document to be compressed without losing the identity of its underlying media type. Content codings are defined in section 3 5 An example of its use is. The content-coding is a characteri stic of the entity identified by the Request-URI Typically, the entity-body is stored with this encoding and is only decoded before rendering or analogous usage However, a non-transparent proxy MAY modify the content-coding if the new coding is known to be acceptable to the recipient, unless the no-transform cache-control directive is present in the message. If the content-coding of an entity is not identity , then the response MUST include a Content-Encoding entity-header section 14 11 that lists the non-identity content-coding s used. If the content-coding of an entity in a request message is not acceptable to the origin server, the server SHOULD respond with a status code of 415 Unsupported Media Type. If multiple encodings have been applied to an entity, the content codings MUST be listed in the order in which they were applied Additional information about the encoding parameters MAY be provided by other entity-header fields not defined by this specification.14 12 Content-Language. The Content-Language entity-header field describes the natural language s of the intended audience for the enclosed entity Note that this might not be equivalent to all the languages used within the entity-body. Language tags are defined in section 3 10 The primary purpose of Content-Language is to allow a user to identify and differentiate entities according to the user s own preferred language Thus, if the body content is intended only for a Danish-literate audience, the appropriate field is. If no Content-Language is specified, the default is that the content is intended for all language audiences This might mean that the sender does not consider it to be specific to any natural language, or that the sender does not know for which language it is intended. Multiple languages MAY be listed for content that is intended for multiple audiences For example, a rendition of the Treaty of Waitangi, presented simultaneously in the original Maori and English versions, would call for. However, just be cause multiple languages are present within an entity does not mean that it is intended for multiple linguistic audiences An example would be a beginner s language primer, such as A First Lesson in Latin, which is clearly intended to be used by an English-literate audience In this case, the Content-Language would properly only include en. Content-Language MAY be applied to any media type -- it is not limited to textual documents.14 13 Content-Length. The Content-Length entity-header field indicates the size of the entity-body, in decimal number of OCTETs, sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the size of the entity-body that would have been sent had the request been a GET. Applications SHOULD use this field to indicate the transfer-length of the message-body, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 4 4.Any Content-Length greater than or equal to zero is a valid value Section 4 4 describes how to determine the length of a message-body if a Content-Length is no t given. Note that the meaning of this field is significantly different from the corresponding definition in MIME, where it is an optional field used within the message external-body content-type In it SHOULD be sent whenever the message s length can be determined prior to being transferred, unless this is prohibited by the rules in section 4 4.14 14 Content-Location. The Content-Location entity-header field MAY be used to supply the resource location for the entity enclosed in the message when that entity is accessible from a location separate from the requested resource s URI A server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the variant corresponding to the response entity especially in the case where a resource has multiple entities associated with it, and those entities actually have separate locations by which they might be individually accessed, the server SHOULD provide a Content-Location for the particular variant which is returned. The value of Content-Location also defines the base URI for the entity. The Content-Location value is not a replacement for the original requested URI it is only a statement of the location of the resource corresponding to this particular entity at the time of the request Future requests MAY specify the Content-Location URI as the request - URI if the desire is to identify the source of that particular entity. A cache cannot assume that an entity with a Content-Location different from the URI used to retrieve it can be used to respond to later requests on that Content-Location URI However, the Content - Location can be used to differentiate between multiple entities retrieved from a single requested resource, as described in section 13 6.If the Content-Location is a relative URI, the relative URI is interpreted relative to the Request-URI. The meaning of the Content-Location header in PUT or POST requests is undefined servers are free to ignore it in those cases.14 15 Content-MD5.The Content-MD5 entity-header field, as defined in RFC 1864 2 3 is an MD5 digest of the entity-body for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check MIC of the entity-body Note a MIC is good for detecting accidental modification of the entity-body in transit, but is not proof against malicious attacks. The Content-MD5 header field MAY be generated by an origin server or client to function as an integrity check of the entity-body Only origin servers or clients MAY generate the Content-MD5 header field proxies and gateways MUST NOT generate it, as this would defeat its value as an end-to-end integrity check Any recipient of the entity - body, including gateways and proxies, MAY check that the digest value in this header field matches that of the entity-body as received. The MD5 digest is computed based on the content of the entity-body, including any content-coding that has been applied, but not including any transfer-encoding applied to the message-body If the message is received with a transfer-encoding, that encoding MUST be remov ed prior to checking the Content-MD5 value against the received entity. This has the result that the digest is computed on the octets of the entity-body exactly as, and in the order that, they would be sent if no transfer-encoding were being applied. extends RFC 1864 to permit the digest to be computed for MIME composite media-types e g multipart and message rfc822 , but this does not change how the digest is computed as defined in the preceding paragraph. There are several consequences of this The entity-body for composite types MAY contain many body-parts, each with its own MIME and headers including Content-MD5, Content-Transfer-Encoding, and Content-Encoding headers If a body-part has a Content-Transfer - Encoding or Content-Encoding header, it is assumed that the content of the body-part has had the encoding applied, and the body-part is included in the Content-MD5 digest as is -- i e after the application The Transfer-Encoding header field is not allowed within body-parts. Conversion of all line breaks to CRLF MUST NOT be done before computing or checking the digest the line break convention used in the text actually transmitted MUST be left unaltered when computing the digest.14 16 Content-Range. The Content-Range entity-header is sent with a partial entity-body to specify where in the full entity-body the partial body should be applied Range units are defined in section 3 12.The header SHOULD indicate the total length of the full entity-body, unless this length is unknown or difficult to determine The asterisk character means that the instance-length is unknown at the time when the response was generated. Unlike byte-ranges-specifier values see section 14 35 1 , a byte - range-resp-spec MUST only specify one range, and MUST contain absolute byte positions for both the first and last byte of the range. A byte-content-range-spec with a byte-range-resp-spec whose last - byte-pos value is less than its first-byte-pos value, or whose instance-length value is less than or equal to its last-byte-pos value, is invalid The recipient of an invalid byte-content-range - spec MUST ignore it and any content transferred along with it. A server sending a response with status code 416 Requested range not satisfiable SHOULD include a Content-Range field with a byte-range - resp-spec of The instance-length specifies the current length of. the selected resource A response with status code 206 Partial Content MUST NOT include a Content-Range field with a byte-range - resp-spec of. Examples of byte-content-range-spec values, assuming that the entity contains a total of 1234 bytes. When an message includes the content of a single range for example, a response to a request for a single range, or to a request for a set of ranges that overlap without any holes , this content is transmitted with a Content-Range header, and a Content-Length header showing the number of bytes actually transferred For example. When an message includes the content of multiple ranges for example, a response to a request for multiple non-overlapping ranges , these are transmitted as a multipart message The multipart media type used for this purpose is multipart byteranges as defined in appendix 19 2 See appendix 19 6 3 for a compatibility issue. A re sponse to a request for a single range MUST NOT be sent using the multipart byteranges media type A response to a request for multiple ranges, whose result is a single range, MAY be sent as a multipart byteranges media type with one part A client that cannot decode a multipart byteranges message MUST NOT ask for multiple byte-ranges in a single request. When a client requests multiple byte-ranges in one request, the server SHOULD return them in the order that they appeared in the request. If the server ignores a byte-range-spec because it is syntactically invalid, the server SHOULD treat the request as if the invalid Range header field did not exist Normally, this means return a 200 response containing the full entity. If the server receives a request other than one including an If - Range request-header field with an unsatisfiable Range request - header field that is, all of whose byte-range-spec values have a first-byte-pos value greater than the current length of the selected resource , it SHOULD return a response code of 416 Requested range not satisfiable section 10 4 17.14 17 Content-Type. The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient or, in the case of the HEAD method, the media type that would have been sent had the request been a GET. Media types are defined in section 3 7 An example of the field is. Further discussion of methods for identifying the media type of an entity is provided in section 7 2 1.The Date general-header field represents the date and time at which the message was originated, having the same semantics as orig-date in RFC 822 The field value is an as described in section 3 3 1 it MUST be sent in RFC 1123 8 - date format. Origin servers MUST include a Date header field in all responses, except in these cases. A received message that does not have a Date header field MUST be assigned one by the recipient if the message will be cached by that recipient or gatewayed via a protocol which requires a Date An implementation without a clock MUST NOT cache responses without revalidating them on every use An cache, especially a shared cache, SHOULD use a mechanism, such as NTP 28 to synchronize its clock with a reliable external standard. Clients SHOULD only send a Date header field in messages that include an entity-body, as in the case of the PUT and POST requests, and even then it is optional A client without a clock MUST NOT send a Date header field in a request. The sent in a Date header SHOULD NOT represent a date and time subsequent to the generation of the message It SHOULD represent the best available approximation of the date and time of message generation, unless the implementation has no means of generating a reasonably accurate date and time In theory, the date ought to represent the moment just before the entity is generated In practice, the date can be generated at any time during the message origination without affecting its semantic value.14 18 1 Clockless Origin Serve r Operation. Some origin server implementations might not have a clock available An origin server without a clock MUST NOT assign Expires or Last - Modified values to a response, unless these values were associated with the resource by a system or user with a reliable clock It MAY assign an Expires value that is known, at or before server configuration time, to be in the past this allows pre-expiration of responses without storing separate Expires values for each resource. The ETag response-header field provides the current value of the entity tag for the requested variant The headers used with entity tags are described in sections 14 24 14 26 and 14 44 The entity tag MAY be used for comparison with other entities from the same resource see section 13 3 3.14 20 Expect. The Expect request-header field is used to indicate that particular server behaviors are required by the client. A server that does not understand or is unable to comply with any of the expectation values in the Expect field of a request MUST respond with appropriate error status The server MUST respond with a 417 Expectation Failed status if any of the expectations cannot be met or, if there are other problems with the request, some other 4xx status. This header field is defined with extensible syntax to allow for future extensions If a server receives a request containing an Expect field that includes an expectation-extension that it does not support, it MUST respond with a 417 Expectation Failed statusparison of expectation values is case-insensitive for unquoted tokens including the 100-continue token , and is case-sensitive for quoted-string expectation-extensions. The Expect mechanism is hop-by-hop that is, an proxy MUST return a 417 Expectation Failed status if it receives a request with an expectation that it cannot meet However, the Expect request-header itself is end-to-end it MUST be forwarded if the request is forwarded. Many older and applications do not understand the Expect header. See section 8 2 3 for the use of the 100 continue status.14 21 Expires. The Expires entity-header field gives the date time after which the response is considered stale A stale cache entry may not normally be returned by a cache either a proxy cache or a user agent cache unless it is first validated with the origin server or with an intermediate cache that has a fresh copy of the entity See section 13 2 for further discussion of the expiration model. The presence of an Expires field does not imply that the original resource will change or cease to exist at, before, or after that time. The format is an absolute date and time as defined by in section 3 3 1 it MUST be in RFC 1123 date format. An example of its use is. clients and caches MUST treat other invalid date formats, especially including the value 0 , as in the past i e already expired. To mark a response as already expired, an origin server sends an Expires date that is equal to the Date header value See the rules for expiration calculations in section 13 2 4.To mark a response as never expires, an origin server sends an Expires date approximately one year from the time the response is sent servers SHOULD NOT send Expires dates more than one year in the future. The presence of an Expires header field with a date value of some time in the future on a response that otherwise would by default be non-cacheable indicates that the response is cacheable, unless indicated otherwise by a Cache-Control header field section 14 9.The From request-header field, if given, SHOULD contain an Internet e-mail address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent The address SHOULD be machine-usable, as defined by mailbox in RFC 822 9 as updated by RFC 1123 8.This header field MAY be used for logging purposes and as a means for identifying the source of invalid or unwanted requests It SHOULD NOT be used as an insecure form of access protection The interpretation of this field is that the request is being performed on behalf of the person given, who accepts responsibility for the method performed In particular, robot agents SHOULD include this header so that the person responsible for running the robot can be contacted if problems occur on the receiving end. The Internet e-mail address in this field MAY be separate from the Internet host which issued the request For example, when a request is passed through a proxy the original issuer s address SHOULD be used. The client SHOULD NOT send the From header field without the user s approval, as it might conflict with the user s privacy interests or their site s security policy It is strongly recommended that the user be able to disable, enable, and modify the value of this field at any t ime prior to a request. The Host request-header field specifies the Internet host and port number of the resource being requested, as obtained from the original URI given by the user or referring resource generally an URL. as described in section 3 2 2 The Host field value MUST represent the naming authority of the origin server or gateway given by the original URL This allows the origin server or gateway to differentiate between internally-ambiguous URLs, such as the root URL of a server for multiple host names on a single IP address. A host without any trailing port information implies the default port for the service requested e g 80 for an URL For example, a request on the origin server for would properly include. A client MUST include a Host header field in all request messages If the requested URI does not include an Internet host name for the service being requested, then the Host header field MUST be given with an empty value An proxy MUST ensure that any request message it forward s does contain an appropriate Host header field that identifies the service being requested by the proxy All Internet-based servers MUST respond with a 400 Bad Request status code to any request message which lacks a Host header field. See sections 5 2 and 19 6 1 1 for other requirements relating to Host.14 24 If-Match. The If-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that one of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-Match header field Entity tags are defined in section 3 11 The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead It is also used, on updating requests, to prevent inadvertent modification of the wrong version of a resource As a special case, the value matches any current entity of the resource. If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request without the If-Match header on that resource, or if is given. and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-Match header field did not exist. A server MUST use the strong comparison function see section 13 3 3 to compare the entity tags in If-Match. If none of the entity tags match, or if is given and no current entity exists, the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, and MUST return a 412 Precondition Failed response This behavior is most useful when the client wants to prevent an updating method, such as PUT, from modifying a resource that has changed since the client last retrieved it. If the request would, without the If-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, then the If-Match header MUST be ignored. The meaning of If-Match is that the method SHOULD be performed if the representation selected by the origin server or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14 44 exists, and MUST NOT be performed if the representation does not exist. A request intended to update a resource e g a PUT MAY include an If-Match header field to signal that the request method MUST NOT be applied if the entity corresponding to the If-Match value a single entity tag is no longer a representation of that resource This allows the user to indicate that they do not wish the request to be successful if the resource has been changed without their knowledge Examples. The result of a request having both an If-Match header field and either an If-None-Match or an If-Modified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.14 25 If-Modified-Since. The If-Modified-Since request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional if the requested variant has not been modified since the time specified in this field, an entity will not be returned from the server instead, a 304 not modified re sponse will be returned without any message-body. An example of the field is. A GET method with an If-Modified-Since header and no Range header requests that the identified entity be transferred only if it has been modified since the date given by the If-Modified-Since header The algorithm for determining this includes the following cases. The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead. The result of a request having both an If-Modified-Since header field and either an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.14 26 If-None-Match. The If-None-Match request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional A client that has one or more entities previously obtained from the resource can verify that none of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in the If-None-Match header field The purpose of this feature is to allow efficient updates of cached information with a minimum amount of transaction overhead It is also used to prevent a method e g PUT from inadvertently modifying an existing resource when the client believes that the resource does not exist. As a special case, the value matches any current entity of the resource. If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request without the If-None-Match header on that resource, or if is given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, unless required to do so because the resource s modification date fails to match that supplied in an If-Modified-Since header field in the request Instead, if the request method was GET or HEAD, the server SHOULD respond with a 304 Not Modified response, including the cache - related header fields particularly ETag of one of the entities that matched For all other request methods, the server MUST respond with a status of 412 Precondition Failed. See section 13 3 3 for rules on how to determine if two entities tags match The weak comparison function can only be used with GET or HEAD requests. If none of the entity tags match, then the server MAY perform the requested method as if the If-None-Match header field did not exist, but MUST also ignore any If-Modified-Since header field s in the request That is, if no entity tags match, then the server MUST NOT return a 304 Not Modified response. If the request would, without the If-None-Match header field, result in anything other than a 2xx or 304 status, then the If-None-Match header MUST be ignored See section 13 3 4 for a discussion of server behavior when both If-Modified-Since and If-None-Match appear in the same request. The meaning of If-None-Match is that the method MUST NOT be performed if the representation selected by the origin server or by a cache, possibly using the Vary mechanism, see section 14 44 exists, and SHOULD be p erformed if the representation does not exist This feature is intended to be useful in preventing races between PUT operations. The result of a request having both an If-None-Match header field and either an If-Match or an If-Unmodified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.14 27 If-Range. If a client has a partial copy of an entity in its cache, and wishes to have an up-to-date copy of the entire entity in its cache, it could use the Range request-header with a conditional GET using either or both of If-Unmodified-Since and If-Match However, if the condition fails because the entity has been modified, the client would then have to make a second request to obtain the entire current entity-body. The If-Range header allows a client to short-circuit the second request Informally, its meaning is if the entity is unchanged, send me the part s that I am missing otherwise, send me the entire new entity. If the client has no entity tag for an entity, but does have a Last - Modified date, it MAY use that date in an If-Range header The server can distinguish between a valid and any form of entity-tag by examining no more than two characters The If-Range header SHOULD only be used together with a Range header, and MUST be ignored if the request does not include a Range header, or if the server does not support the sub-range operation. If the entity tag given in the If-Range header matches the current entity tag for the entity, then the server SHOULD provide the specified sub-range of the entity using a 206 Partial content response If the entity tag does not match, then the server SHOULD return the entire entity using a 200 OK response.14 28 If-Unmodified-Since. The If-Unmodified-Since request-header field is used with a method to make it conditional If the requested resource has not been modified since the time specified in this field, the server SHOULD perform the requested operation as if the If-Unmodified-Since header were not present. If the requested variant has been modified since the specified time, the server MUST NOT perform the requested operation, and MUST return a 412 Precondition Failed. An example of the field is. If the request normally i e without the If-Unmodified-Since header would result in anything other than a 2xx or 412 status, the If-Unmodified-Since header SHOULD be ignored. If the specified date is invalid, the header is ignored. The result of a request having both an If-Unmodified-Since header field and either an If-None-Match or an If-Modified-Since header fields is undefined by this specification.14 29 Last-Modified. The Last-Modified entity-header field indicates the date and time at which the origin server believes the variant was last modified. An example of its use is. The exact meaning of this header field depends on the implementation of the origin server and the nature of the original resource For files, it may be just the file system last-modified time For entities with dynamically included parts, it may be the most rec ent of the set of last-modify times for its component parts For database gateways, it may be the last-update time stamp of the record For virtual objects, it may be the last time the internal state changed. An origin server MUST NOT send a Last-Modified date which is later than the server s time of message origination In such cases, where the resource s last modification would indicate some time in the future, the server MUST replace that date with the message origination date. An origin server SHOULD obtain the Last-Modified value of the entity as close as possible to the time that it generates the Date value of its response This allows a recipient to make an accurate assessment of the entity s modification time, especially if the entity changes near the time that the response is generated. servers SHOULD send Last-Modified whenever feasible.14 30 Location. The Location response-header field is used to redirect the recipient to a location other than the Request-URI for completion of the request or identification of a new resource For 201 Created responses, the Location is that of the new resource which was created by the request For 3xx responses, the location SHOULD indicate the server s preferred URI for automatic redirection to the resource The field value consists of a single absolute URI.14 31 Max-Forwards. The Max-Forwards request-header field provides a mechanism with the TRACE section 9 8 and OPTIONS section 9 2 methods to limit the number of proxies or gateways that can forward the request to the next inbound server This can be useful when the client is attempting to trace a request chain which appears to be failing or looping in mid-chain. The Max-Forwards value is a decimal integer indicating the remaining number of times this request message may be forwarded. Each proxy or gateway recipient of a TRACE or OPTIONS request containing a Max-Forwards header field MUST check and update its value prior to forwarding the request If the received value is zero 0 , the recipient MUST NOT forward the request instead, it MUST respond as the final recipient If the received Max-Forwards value is greater than zero, then the forwarded message MUST contain an updated Max-Forwards field with a value decremented by one 1.The Max-Forwards header field MAY be ignored for all other methods defined by this specification and for any extension methods for which it is not explicitly referred to as part of that method definition.14 32 Pragma. The Pragma general-header field is used to include implementation - specific directives that might apply to any recipient along the request response chain All pragma directives specify optional behavior from the viewpoint of the protocol however, some systems MAY require that behavior be consistent with the directives. When the no-cache directive is present in a request message, an application SHOULD forward the request toward the origin server even if it has a cached copy of what is being requested This pragma directive has the same semantics as the no-cache cache-directive see section 14 9 and is defined here for backward compatibility with Clients SHOULD include both header fields when a no-cache request is sent to a server not known to be compliant. Pragma directives MUST be passed through by a proxy or gateway application, regardless of their significance to that application, since the directives might be applicable to all recipients along the request response chain It is not possible to specify a pragma for a specific recipient however, any pragma directive not relevant to a recipient SHOULD be ignored by that recipient. caches SHOULD treat Pragma no-cache as if the client had sent Cache-Control no-cache No new Pragma directives will be defined in.14 33 Proxy-Authenticate. The Proxy-Authenticate response-header field MUST be included as part of a 407 Proxy Authentication Required response The field value consists of a challenge that indicates the authentication scheme and parameters applicable to the proxy for this Request-URI. The access authentication process is described in Authentication Basic and Digest Access Authentication 43 Unlike WWW-Authenticate, the Proxy-Authenticate header field applies only to the current connection and SHOULD NOT be passed on to downstream clients However, an intermediate proxy might need to obtain its own credentials by requesting them from the downstream client, which in some circumstances will appear as if the proxy is forwarding the Proxy-Authenticate header field.14 34 Proxy-Authorization. The Proxy-Authorization request-header field allows the client to identify itse lf or its user to a proxy which requires authentication The Proxy-Authorization field value consists of credentials containing the authentication information of the user agent for the proxy and or realm of the resource being requested. The access authentication process is described in Authentication Basic and Digest Access Authentication 43 Unlike Authorization, the Proxy-Authorization header field applies only to the next outbound proxy that demanded authentication using the Proxy - Authenticate field When multiple proxies are used in a chain, the. Proxy-Authorization header field is consumed by the first outbound proxy that was expecting to receive credentials A proxy MAY relay the credentials from the client request to the next proxy if that is the mechanism by which the proxies cooperatively authenticate a given request.14 35 1 Byte Ranges. Since all entities are represented in messages as sequences of bytes, the concept of a byte range is meaningful for any entity However, not all cli ents and servers need to support byte - range operations. Byte range specifications in apply to the sequence of bytes in the entity-body not necessarily the same as the message-body. A byte range operation MAY specify a single range of bytes, or a set of ranges within a single entity. The first-byte-pos value in a byte-range-spec gives the byte-offset of the first byte in a range The last-byte-pos value gives the byte-offset of the last byte in the range that is, the byte positions specified are inclusive Byte offsets start at zero. If the last-byte-pos value is present, it MUST be greater than or equal to the first-byte-pos in that byte-range-spec, or the byte - range-spec is syntactically invalid The recipient of a byte-range - set that includes one or more syntactically invalid byte-range-spec values MUST ignore the header field that includes that byte-range - set. If the last-byte-pos value is absent, or if the value is greater than or equal to the current length of the entity-body, last-by te-pos is taken to be equal to one less than the current length of the entity - body in bytes. By its choice of last-byte-pos, a client can limit the number of bytes retrieved without knowing the size of the entity. A suffix-byte-range-spec is used to specify the suffix of the entity-body, of a length given by the suffix-length value That is, this form specifies the last N bytes of an entity-body If the entity is shorter than the specified suffix-length, the entire entity-body is used. If a syntactically valid byte-range-set includes at least one byte - range-spec whose first-byte-pos is less than the current length of the entity-body, or at least one suffix-byte-range-spec with a non - zero suffix-length, then the byte-range-set is satisfiable Otherwise, the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable If the byte-range-set is unsatisfiable, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 416 Requested range not satisfiable Otherwise, the server SHOULD return a response with a status of 206 Partial Content containing the satisfiable ranges of the entity-body. Examples of byte-ranges-specifier values assuming an entity-body of length 10000.14 35 2 Range Retrieval Requests. retrieval requests using conditional or unconditional GET methods MAY request one or more sub-ranges of the entity, instead of the entire entity, using the Range request header, which applies to the entity returned as the result of the request. A server MAY ignore the Range header However, origin servers and intermediate caches ought to support byte ranges when possible, since Range supports efficient recovery from partially failed transfers, and supports efficient partial retrieval of large entities. If the server supports the Range header and the specified range or ranges are appropriate for the entity. In some cases, it might be more appropriate to use the If-Range header see section 14 27 in addition to the Range header. If a proxy that supports ranges receives a Range request, forwards the request to an inbound server, and receives an entire entity in reply, it SHOULD only return the requested range to its client It SHOULD store the entire received response in its cache if that is con sistent with its cache allocation policies.14 36 Referer. The Referer sic request-header field allows the client to specify, for the server s benefit, the address URI of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained the referrer , although the header field is misspelled The Referer request-header allows a server to generate lists of back-links to resources for interest, logging, optimized caching, etc It also allows obsolete or mistyped links to be traced for maintenance The Referer field MUST NOT be sent if the Request-URI was obtained from a source that does not have its own URI, such as input from the user keyboard. If the field value is a relative URI, it SHOULD be interpreted relative to the Request-URI The URI MUST NOT include a fragment See section 15 1 3 for security considerations.14 37 Retry-After. The Retry-After response-header field can be used with a 503 Service Unavailable response to indicate how long the service is expected to be unavailable to the requesting clien t This field MAY also be used with any 3xx Redirection response to indicate the minimum time the user-agent is asked wait before issuing the redirected request The value of this field can be either an or an integer number of seconds in decimal after the time of the response. Two examples of its use are. In the latter example, the delay is 2 minutes.14 38 Server. The Server response-header field contains information about the software used by the origin server to handle the request The field can contain multiple product tokens section 3 8 and comments identifying the server and any significant subproducts The product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application. If the response is being forwarded through a proxy, the proxy application MUST NOT modify the Server response-header Instead, it SHOULD include a Via field as described in section 14 45.The TE request-header field indicates what extension transfer-codings it is willing to accept in the response an d whether or not it is willing to accept trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding Its value may consist of the keyword trailers and or a comma-separated list of extension transfer-coding names with optional accept parameters as described in section 3 6.The presence of the keyword trailers indicates that the client is willing to accept trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding, as defined in section 3 6 1 This keyword is reserved for use with transfer-coding values even though it does not itself represent a transfer-coding. Examples of its use are. The TE header field only applies to the immediate connection Therefore, the keyword MUST be supplied within a Connection header field section 14 10 whenever TE is present in an message. A server tests whether a transfer-coding is acceptable, according to a TE field, using these rules. If the TE field-value is empty or if no TE field is present, the only transfer-coding is chunked A message with no transfer-coding is always acceptable.14 40 T railer. The Trailer general field value indicates that the given set of header fields is present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding. An message SHOULD include a Trailer header field in a message using chunked transfer-coding with a non-empty trailer Doing so allows the recipient to know which header fields to expect in the trailer. If no Trailer header field is present, the trailer SHOULD NOT include any header fields See section 3 6 1 for restrictions on the use of trailer fields in a chunked transfer-coding. Message header fields listed in the Trailer header field MUST NOT include the following header fields.14 41 Transfer-Encoding. The Transfer-Encoding general-header field indicates what if any type of transformation has been applied to the message body in order to safely transfer it between the sender and the recipient This differs from the content-coding in that the transfer-coding is a property of the message, not of the entity. Transfer-codings are defin ed in section 3 6 An example is. If multiple encodings have been applied to an entity, the transfer - codings MUST be listed in the order in which they were applied Additional information about the encoding parameters MAY be provided by other entity-header fields not defined by this specification. Many older applications do not understand the Transfer - Encoding header.14 42 Upgrade. The Upgrade general-header allows the client to specify what additional communication protocols it supports and would like to use if the server finds it appropriate to switch protocols The server MUST use the Upgrade header field within a 101 Switching Protocols response to indicate which protocol s are being switched. The Upgrade header field is intended to provide a simple mechanism for transition from to some other, incompatible protocol It does so by allowing the client to advertise its desire to use another protocol, such as a later version of with a higher major version number, even though the current requ est has been made using This eases the difficult transition between incompatible protocols by allowing the client to initiate a request in the more commonly supported protocol while indicating to the server that it would like to use a better protocol if available where better is determined by the server, possibly according to the nature of the method and or resource being requested. The Upgrade header field only applies to switching application-layer protocols upon the existing transport-layer connection Upgrade cannot be used to insist on a protocol change its acceptance and use by the server is optional The capabilities and nature of the application-layer communication after the protocol change is entirely dependent upon the new protocol chosen, although the first action after changing the protocol MUST be a response to the initial request containing the Upgrade header field. The Upgrade header field only applies to the immediate connection Therefore, the upgrade keyword MUST be suppli ed within a Connection header field section 14 10 whenever Upgrade is present in an message. The Upgrade header field cannot be used to indicate a switch to a protocol on a different connection For that purpose, it is more appropriate to use a 301, 302, 303, or 305 redirection response. This specification only defines the protocol name for use by the family of Hypertext Transfer Protocols, as defined by the version rules of section 3 1 and future updates to this specification Any token can be used as a protocol name however, it will only be useful if both the client and server associate the name with the same protocol.14 43 User-Agent. The User-Agent request-header field contains information about the user agent originating the request This is for statistical purposes, the tracing of protocol violations, and automated recognition of user agents for the sake of tailoring responses to avoid particular user agent limitations User agents SHOULD include this field with requests The field can c ontain multiple product tokens section 3 8 and comments identifying the agent and any subproducts which form a significant part of the user agent By convention, the product tokens are listed in order of their significance for identifying the application. The Vary field value indicates the set of request-header fields that fully determines, while the response is fresh, whether a cache is permitted to use the response to reply to a subsequent request without revalidation For uncacheable or stale responses, the Vary field value advises the user agent about the criteria that were used to select the representation A Vary field value of implies that a cache cannot determine from the request headers of a subsequent request whether this response is the appropriate representation See section 13 6 for use of the Vary header field by caches. An server SHOULD include a Vary header field with any cacheable response that is subject to server-driven negotiation Doing so allows a cache to properly inter pret future requests on that resource and informs the user agent about the presence of negotiation. on that resource A server MAY include a Vary header field with a non-cacheable response that is subject to server-driven negotiation, since this might provide the user agent with useful information about the dimensions over which the response varies at the time of the response. A Vary field value consisting of a list of field-names signals that the representation selected for the response is based on a selection algorithm which considers ONLY the listed request-header field values in selecting the most appropriate representation A cache MAY assume that the same selection will be made for future requests with the same values for the listed field names, for the duration of time for which the response is fresh. The field-names given are not limited to the set of standard request-header fields defined by this specification Field names are case-insensitive. A Vary field value of signals that unsp ecified parameters not limited to the request-headers e g the network address of the client , play a role in the selection of the response representation The value MUST NOT be generated by a proxy server it may only be generated by an origin server. The Via general-header field MUST be used by gateways and proxies to indicate the intermediate protocols and recipients between the user agent and the server on requests, and between the origin server and the client on responses It is analogous to the Received field of RFC 822 9 and is intended to be used for tracking message forwards, avoiding request loops, and identifying the protocol capabilities of all senders along the request response chain. The received-protocol indicates the protocol version of the message received by the server or client along each segment of the request response chain The received-protocol version is appended to the Via field value when the message is forwarded so that information about the protocol capabilities of upstream applications remains visible to all recipients. The protocol-name is optional if and only if it would be The received-by field is normally the host and optional port number of a recipient server or client that subsequently forwarded the message However, if the real host is considered to be sensitive information, it MAY be replaced by a pseudonym If the port is not given, it MAY be assumed to be the default port of the received-protocol. Multiple Via field values represents each proxy or gateway that has forwarded the message Each recipient MUST append its information such that the end result is ordered according to the sequence of forwarding applicationsments MAY be used in the Via header field to identify the software of the recipient proxy or gateway, analogous to the User-Agent and Server header fields However, all comments in the Via field are optional and MAY be removed by any recipient prior to forwarding the message. For example, a request message could be sent from an us er agent to an internal proxy code-named fred , which uses to forward the request to a public proxy at which completes the request by forwarding it to the origin server at The request received by would then have the following Via header field. Proxies and gateways used as a portal through a network firewall SHOULD NOT, by default, forward the names and ports of hosts within the firewall region This information SHOULD only be propagated if explicitly enabled If not enabled, the received-by host of any host behind the firewall SHOULD be replaced by an appropriate pseudonym for that host. For organizations that have strong privacy requirements for hiding internal structures, a proxy MAY combine an ordered subsequence of Via header field entries with identical received-protocol values into a single such entry For example. Applications SHOULD NOT combine multiple entries unless they are all under the same organizational control and the hosts have already been replaced by pseudonyms Application s MUST NOT combine entries which have different received-protocol values.14 46 Warning. The Warning general-header field is used to carry additional information about the status or transformation of a message which might not be reflected in the message This information is typically used to warn about a possible lack of semantic transparency from caching operations or transformations applied to the entity body of the message. Warning headers are sent with responses using. A response MAY carry more than one Warning header. The warn-text SHOULD be in a natural language and character set that is most likely to be intelligible to the human user receiving the response This decision MAY be based on any available knowledge, such as the location of the cache or user, the Accept-Language field in a request, the Content-Language field in a response, etc The default language is English and the default character set is ISO-8859-1.If a character set other than ISO-8859-1 is used, it MUST be encoded in t he warn-text using the method described in RFC 2047 14.Warning headers can in general be applied to any message, however some specific warn-codes are specific to caches and can only be applied to response messages New Warning headers SHOULD be added after any existing Warning headers A cache MUST NOT delete any Warning header that it received with a message However, if a cache successfully validates a cache entry, it SHOULD remove any Warning headers previously attached to that entry except as specified for. specific Warning codes It MUST then add any Warning headers received in the validating response In other words, Warning headers are those that would be attached to the most recent relevant response. When multiple Warning headers are attached to a response, the user agent ought to inform the user of as many of them as possible, in the order that they appear in the response If it is not possible to inform the user of all of the warnings, the user agent SHOULD follow these heuristics. Sy stems that generate multiple Warning headers SHOULD order them with this user agent behavior in mind. Requirements for the behavior of caches with respect to Warnings are stated in section 13 1 2.This is a list of the currently-defined warn-codes, each with a recommended warn-text in English, and a description of its meaning.110 Response is stale MUST be included whenever the returned response is stale.111 Revalidation failed MUST be included if a cache returns a stale response because an attempt to revalidate the response failed, due to an inability to reach the server.112 Disconnected operation SHOULD be included if the cache is intentionally disconnected from the rest of the network for a period of time.113 Heuristic expiration MUST be included if the cache heuristically chose a freshness lifetime greater than 24 hours and the response s age is greater than 24 hours.199 Miscellaneous warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user, or logged A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action, besides presenting the warning to the user.214 Transformation applied MUST be added by an intermediate cache or proxy if it applies any transformation changing the content-coding as specified in the Content-Encoding header or media-type as specified in the Content-Type header of the response, or the entity-body of the response, unless this Warning code already appears in the response.299 Miscellaneous persistent warning The warning text MAY include arbitrary information to be presented to a human user, or logged A system receiving this warning MUST NOT take any automated action. If an implementation sends a message with one or more Warning headers whose version is or lower, then the sender MUST include in each warning-value a warn-date that matches the date in the response. If an implementation receives a message with a warning-value that includes a warn-date, and that warn-date is different from the Date value in the r esponse, then that warning-value MUST be deleted from the message before storing, forwarding, or using it This prevents bad consequences of naive caching of Warning header fields If all of the warning-values are deleted for this reason, the Warning header MUST be deleted as well.14 47 WWW-Authenticate. The WWW-Authenticate response-header field MUST be included in 401 Unauthorized response messages The field value consists of at least one challenge that indicates the authentication scheme s and parameters applicable to the Request-URI. The access authentication process is described in Authentication Basic and Digest Access Authentication 43 User agents are advised to take special care in parsing the WWW - Authenticate field value as it might contain more than one challenge, or if more than one WWW-Authenticate header field is provided, the contents of a challenge itself can contain a comma-separated list of authentication parameters.

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